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I. General Concepts
3. Interpretation and Communication

Introduction: What is Interpretation?

In 1957, Freeman Tilden wrote Interpreting Our Heritage, which is the foundation of heritage interpretation today. In his work, Tilden equals interpretation with the visitors exposition to the “thing itself” rather than with the exposition to a list of data and assorted information. What this means in practice is that a food and wine tourist, for instance, will actually be invited to take part in the traditional ceremony of stomping the grapes and/or bottling the wine instead of being presented with a set of data containing the bare facts of the wine making process before being introduced to the final product itself. Research has shown that visitors will be more likely to buy local products and to recommend a destination if they have enjoyed a meaningful and memorable experience during their stay.

According to Tilden, interpretation is an educational activity which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information.

Tourism science has shown that what tourists are looking for is to experience rather than the hard facts of historical/cultural reality. And interpretation is there to provide this experience. This does not mean that visitors should be left to themselves to experience the “quaintness” of cultural manifestations. What interpretation involves is a gentle, caring approach to tourist information and guiding which combines both the necessary, enlightening information with “hands-on” participation. If we go back to the previous example, wine and food tourists invited to “stomp the grapes” will be provided at the same time with information about the whole wine making process, the characteristics of local grapes, the time of harvest and the local produce that best goes with local wine.

A meaningful interpretation activity will appeal to the personal experience and emotions of visitors. Thus the experienced interpreter will identify the characteristics of his/her audience and be able to select the information delivered and interpretation techniques accordingly.

The most powerful form to deliver information is storytelling. Interpreters select the available information and organize it into structured narratives and experiences that relate to the visitors personal background and experience.

Fifteen Guiding Principles for Interpreting

  1. To spark an interest, interpreters must relate the subject to the lives of visitors.
  2. The purpose of interpretation goes beyond providing information to reveal deeper meaning and truth.
  3. The interpretive presentation — as a work of art — should be designed as a story that informs, entertains, and enlightens.
  4. The purpose of the interpretive story is to inspire and to provoke people to broaden their horizons.
  5. Interpretation should present a complete theme or thesis and address the whole person.
  6. Interpretation for children, teenagers and seniors — when these comprise uniform groups — should follow fundamentally different approaches.
  7. Every place has a history. Interpreters can bring the past alive to make the present more enjoyable and the future more meaningful.
  8. High technology can reveal the world in exciting new ways. However, incorporating this technology into the interpretive programme must be done with foresight and care.
  9. Interpreters must concern themselves with the quantity and quality (selection and accuracy) of information presented. Focused, well-researched interpretation will be more powerful than a longer discourse.
  10. Before applying the arts in interpretation, the interpreter must be familiar with basic communication techniques. Quality interpretation depends on the interpreter's knowledge and skills, which should be developed continually.
  11. Interpretive writing should address what readers would like to know, with the authority of wisdom and the humility and care that comes with it.
  12. The overall interpretive program must be capable of attracting support — financial, volunteer, political, administrative — whatever support is needed for the programme to flourish.
  13. Interpretation should instill in people the ability, and the desire, to sense the beauty in their surroundings, to provide spiritual uplift and to encourage resource preservation.
  14. Interpreters can promote optimal experiences through intentional and thoughtful programme and facility design.
  15. Passion is the essential ingredient for powerful and effective interpretation — passion for the resource and for those people who come to be inspired by the same.

Larry Beck and Ted Cable, Interpretation for the 21st Century. Sagamore Publishing - July 2002.

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